Monday, February 18, 2013

Raw Food For Pets?

Yes, it's true, my studies and research has brought me to the conclusion that not only is raw food the healthiest approach for human kind, but it is also for animals as well!! Take a few minutes to watch this video and check out this blog with Q&A: And the blog: Enjoy!! :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Feeling Through Your Body

So, today I'm talkin a little about feeling your way through your diet by what your body is telling you; as well as making adjustments accordingly.
Most of my struggle has been beating the "sugar craving". Throughout the last month or so I have been sneaking little bits of sugar here and there. Mostly in the form of Agave Nectar...I'm currently trying to make the switch to Stevia extract which is SO much better for me.
I've also noticed many, MANY slight differences in how my body responds to certain foods:

-Raw Cacao makes me a little moody (more than a Tbsp)
-Agave Nectar (no matter how "raw" or "organic") makes me breakout
-Hydrogenated oil does the same as Agave Nectar
-Apples, greens, and raw veggies GIVE me energy (small amounts of cacao and sweet fruits are ok)

Adjusting....well, for now I'm going to continue eating as much "green stuff" as possible.

-No more Agave Nectar....Raw, unheated honey (the tan, thick kind) is my best bet, and I haven't even tried it yet; Stevia extract will also take the place of Agave.
-I will try to ALWAYS read labels and double check for triggers such as "hydrogenated oil"
-I'm going to build a list of raw fruits and veggies that "agree with me" per say, and stick to those!

I've also given up on sprouts...but as soon as I get my sprouting tools back up and running I'll give that another try :)

WHEW!!!!!! what a fantastic list to work on! I love check lists! hehe

My best advice is check out Natasha and watch some of her videos, I'm pretty sure this woman right here is my hero! haha
She's all raw...she has been SO super helpful to get me on the right track and I cannot WAIT to try her 7 Day Raw Food Challenge! :)

Tell me what YOUR body is telling you in your own diet. :) go on, give it a try ;)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

In the Beginning...

This week I tried a few of my new recipes....but wait, I'm getting ahead of myself! haha
Have you ever heard of the "Raw" food diet? It's quite the rage for some folks. There have been many reasons that I have decided to try it. Won't you join me on an endeavor to eat completely, naturally, in the raw?! :)
I can guarantee, it's not easy. Nor is it always "popular," but I can assure you it's the best decision you will ever make if you want to live a healthy lifestyle!

SO, back to the start. I began this diet about four weeks ago. A few of my greatest inspirations have been Mike Walden and his program "Acne No More" (yes, i am an acne sufferer!), Karyn Calabrese with her fabulous line of Raw food Restaurants, and Kristen Suzanne just to name a few!!!
Since I've started this journey I've had a difficult time sticking to the diet. The first two weeks were the most straining. I would suggest slowly easing into the diet and detoxing FIRST. Mostly because you need time and $$ to acquire all the supplements and staple foods of the diet. I also spent some time looking around for some good cook books. My first one will arrive in the mail next week sometime!!!
I'm super excited!

Hope I can be an encouragement to others out there who are seeking a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle! :)